Charm Industrial Bio-oil Sequestration
United States
Charm collects waste from plants that have captured carbon dioxide from the atmosphere, applies a heating process called pyrolysis that converts the plant waste into bio-oil, and injects that bio oil into deep wells or caverns where it hardens and will be stored permanently instead of being released to the atmosphere as the plants decay.

Delta Blue Carbon Mangrove Restoration
The largest restoration project in the world, Delta Blue seeks to restore 225,000 hectares of land through large-scale mangrove restoration on the Indus Delta in Pakistan.

Katingan Mentaya Peatland Preservation
One of the highest-regarded avoided deforestation projects in the world, this project protects and restores 149,800 hectares of peatland ecosystems in Indonesia that would likely otherwise have been converted to palm and other plantations.

Converting Landfill Gas to Electricity
This project captures methane from a landfill in Turkey and generates more than 42MW of electricity. Landfill gas projects are high-impact because methane is a potent greenhouse gas but there is little incentive to capture it.