Company news
Meet Our Scientific Advisors
Steve Siger
January 25, 2024

We rely on the leading science to build a diversified portfolio of projects designed from the ground up to minimize risk and maximize climate impact. We believe it’s not good enough to do this alone, so we also rely on leading experts. 

We’re pleased to introduce our initial scientific advisors: Derik Broekhoff and Injy Johnstone

Derik Broekhoff, Senior Scientist, Stockholm Environment Institute: Derik is one of the world's foremost experts on the voluntary carbon markets. During his more than twenty years in the space including a stint as VP for Policy at the Climate Action Reserve, he co-authored The Offset Guide, the leading guide for utilizing carbon offsets and helped establish California’s Greenhouse Gas cap and trade program. Derik is currently a member of the Expert Panel of the Integrity Council for the Voluntary Carbon Market and an advisor to Calyx Global, a leading carbon credit project ratings agency.

Injy Johnstone, Lead for Net Zero Aligned Offsetting, University of Oxford: Injy is a Research Associate in Net-Zero Aligned Offsetting at the Oxford Sustainable Finance Group, where the Oxford Net Zero Aligned Offsetting Paper was developed. Injy previously worked with and advised a range of public, private and third-sector entities, including the Global Center on Adaptation, UNESCO and the UN MGCY. While at New Zealand’s Ministry for the Environment, she was the Project Administrator for New Zealand’s Zero Carbon Act.

Derik and Injy’s expertise in the carbon credit market help us ensure we remain at the forefront of sustainable solutions. We’re proud to partner with top advisors to build a rigorous approach customers can trust.  

“Almost no offsetting we see today is net zero aligned. Changing this requires careful thinking about how to optimise one’s offsetting portfolio for impact,” said Injy. “Towards this end, I’m happy to support CNaught’s mission to design offsetting solutions informed by the Oxford Offsetting Principles.”

Trust is earned, not given. By partnering with top advisors like Derik and Injy, we’re leveraging scientific expertise to ensure we’re offering a strategy that systematically reduces risk and maximizes climate impact. Alongside our efforts to conduct deep diligence on projects, to check our work with independent third parties, and to build diversified portfolios for our customers, our science advisors are one more way that we seek to earn our customers’ trust. 

We do the hard work of building a high-integrity carbon credit portfolio for you, so you save time to focus on building your business instead. With expert advisors like Derik and Injy onboard, companies can be confident in their carbon strategy. 

Ready to get your first tonne for free? Sign up or reach out to us at